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Why I love being a nudist filmmaker

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Why I love being a nudist filmmaker

I love being a nudist filmmaker, that is, writing screenplays set in nudist resorts with a naturist theme because I love being ostracized by my colleagues on every professional level and being considered a freak by every self-respecting actress who auditions for me.

I love being a nudist filmmaker because I love calling Nikki Craft a paranoid, fearmongering B---- and expect no repercusssions because of the obscurity of my work.

I love being a nudist filmmaker because I love communicating with nudist resort owners who think an active nudist will portray his own community as though they were a bunch of tree hugging hippies with no grip on reality.

I love being a nudist filmmaker because I love to delude myself into believing that naturism will change the world because so many cases of civil rights were won by middle-aged and elderly white guys sitting around in their lawn chairs.

I love being a nudist because I love having every career path cut short because the market for such photographic images, videos and film is considered the domain of S-- offenders.

I love being a nudist filmmaker because I get to present censored images of nudists in order to make the point that the human body is beautiful. I love to feature teenage characters fully clothed and have them talk about getting naked because I can then deny that the perverts in the audience are getting a major boner from hearing this "naughty talk".

I love being a nudist filmmaker because I love getting banned from nudist clubs for calling their teenage member a skanky little ----bag, and then being accused of being jealous of that skanky little ----bag.

I love being a nudist filmmaker because I love promoting a philosophy that no one can remember who founded, and no one can name a famous member of.

I love being a nudist filmmaker because it's so exciting to be involved in something that fundamentalist Christians are offended by, but the Nazi high command fully approved of (up to a certain point, anyway.)

And most of all, I love being a nudist filmmaker because I love to make the same pro-nudism argument about the positive benefits of nudism EVERY SINGLE TIME FOR OVER TWENTY YEARS TO FELLOW WRITERS who think nudism went out with the hippies.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Hi there........I have taken this from an article entitled "Naturist Musings". I think there have been quite a few famous people who believed or promoted the philosophy of nudism.

Benjamin Franklin took daily naked "air baths."
So did Henry David Thoreau, who was also a frequent skinnydipper.
Alexander Graham Bell was a skinnydipper and nude sunbather.
George Bernard Shaw, Walt Whitman, Eugene O'Neill, and painter Thomas Eakins argued in favor of social nudity.
President John Quincy Adams was a regular skinnydipper. According to reports, "each morning he got up before dawn, walked across the White House lawn to the Potomac River, took off his clothes and swam in the nude. Then he returned to the White House to have breakfast, read the Bible and run the country."
President Theodore Roosevelt frequently swam nude in Rock Creek Park in Washington, once skinny-dipping with the French diplomat, Jules Jusserand.
President Lyndon Johnson occasionally swam nude with guests in the white house pool, including evangelist Billy Graham.
Senator Edward Kennedy has been photographed skinnydipping at public beaches in Florida.
At the White House of his brother, John F. Kennedy, nudity had been common around the White House pool.
Many U.S. congressmen enjoy nude recreation, albeit segregated: U.S. Senate members may use the Russell Senate Office Building Pool in the nude (the few female Senators make appointments to assure there won't be males on hand),
Congressmen also sunbathed nude on the Speaker's Porch until one day in 1973 when Rep. Patricia Schroeder wandered into the gathering inadvertently.
Billionaire insurance man John D. MacArthur frequently went skinnydipping, and left a beach to the state of Florida, intending that a portion be designated clothing-optional (a wish that has been spurned); word has it that MacArthur went skinnydipping with Walt Disney at this beach in the late 1960s.
Robert McNamara, World Bank president and former U.S. Defense Secretary skinnydips regularly.
American Civil Liberties Union founder Roger Baldwin, is also a skinnydipper.
Charles F. Richter, the co-inventor of the earthquake measuring system, was a life-long nudist and Naturist.
Actress Lynn Redgrave and her family practice social nudism.
Actresses Bridget Fonda and Brigitte Bardot enjoy social nudity.
The late actor Gary Merrill advocated nudism.
Christy Brinkley openly admits to frequenting nude beaches.
Christian singer Amy Grant goes topfree on foreign beaches while on tour overseas.
Even the late Dr. Seuss published approval of a nudist philosophy, in one of his first books.

take care.....david

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former member default image - bird flying away

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`The Naked Book club was kind enough to review my book:


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